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  • Writer's pictureGregory Deer

What Does FPFS and CFP Mean?


FPFS = Fellow of the Personal Finance Society.

CFPTM = Certified Financial Planner.

To attain these designations takes a lot of hard work and Muvado members know that they are receiving financial advice from an experienced, highly qualified individual. The two designations achieved show a detailed understanding of technical aspects of financial planning and how to build a perfect financial plan.

If you want to know more, keep reading.

Two of the main regulatory bodies for financial planners in the UK are the Chartered Institute of Insurance (CII) and the Chartered Institute of Securities and Investments (CISI). FPFS relates to the CII and CFPTM relates to the CISI. Gregory Deer of Muvado Money Limited is qualified with both of these regulatory bodies as he is committed to attaining and maintaining the highest standards of professionalism through continued professional development.

To use the FPFPS designation you have to have a minimum of 360 exam credits in financial planning through the Chartered Institute of Insurance and at least five years’ experience in financial services. FPFS is the highest designation in financial planning the CII offer and is equivalent to a level 6 qualification.

To use the CFPTM designation, you must have 3 years’ financial planning experience, pass a 3 hour exam and a case study coursework exam building a financial plan from scratch which amounts to 60 pages and 22,000 words. CFPTM is the highest designation in financial planning awarded by the CISI and is equivalent to a level 7 qualification.


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